Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillahirabbil alamin, nahmaduhu wa nastainuhu wa nastaidzuhu wa nastagfirh, wa naudzubillahi min syururi an fusina wa min sayyi ati a’malina, mayyahdihillahu fala mudillalah wa man yudlilhu fala hadialah
Asyhadu-alla ilaaha illallah wa asyhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah
Allahumma shalli ala sayyidina wa syafi ina wa qudwatina wa qurrata a’yunina wa muallimana muhammadin wa ala alihi wa shah bihi aj mai’n amma ba’d. qala ta ala “ya ayyu halladzina amnuttaqullaha haqqatukatihi wala tamutunna illa wa antum muslimun”.
First of all, let’s thank to Allah the al-mighty, who has given us mercy and blessing, so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles, in this great occasion.
Secondly, may shalawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Who has guide us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as next world.
Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank to Mr./Miss. Chairman, who has given me a good opportunity to deliver my speech in front of this public.
Dear my brothers in Islam, have you ever asked for a help from someone who doesn’t have an ability to do it? If yes, do you accept it? If yes, you are already have a mandate that you have to do.
If there are questions about the different between mandate and promise, then insyaAllah I’ll answer it with an easier language. If we look at it back, there are no a strong differences between mandate and promise, but, have you ever give a promise to someone then when you want to do your promise Allah has another wants? If that’s happen, the person who get a promise from you can understand and cancel it, but it shouldn’t be for a mandate, as long as you are still alive and have an ability to do it.
A children, since he was born, he is already have many mandate, including mandate to Allah, parents, and to each other. The mandate that given from Allah is our obligation as the moslems to worship to Allah.
For our parents. Have you ever heard “learn, and demand of science as much as possible for your future” from your parents? That’s the message that our parents usually says to us. But do we know, what they say is a mandate that every parents give to their children. To make we have much time to do it, indeed it is evidence of how unfortunate parents to their children.
To each other. As I say, if there someone asked for a help then the person doesn’t have an ability to do it, so he give it to someone that he knows and also the person know him, that’s a mandate that usually happen in our life.
Allah SWT says :
أَهْلِهَا إِلَى الأَمَانَاتِ تُؤدُّواْ أَن يَأْمُرُكُمْ اللّهَ إِنَّ
Meanings :
“Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due”. (QS.An-nisaa : 58)
The piece of verse above is a proof that if we are gave a mandate, that means we are obligated to do it as long as it’s still in the right way. And how lucky the person who always keep the mandate that gave to him. He’ll get pleasure in the world and after.
In the world, the person who always do the mandate that gave to him, he’ll get pleasure like the confidence from the people who know him, will always get a help whenever he need from the everyone who know him. And after, for a devout moslem, then heaven for him and the all pleasure that he didn’t get in the world.
And bad luck for the person who was gave a mandate then he declaim it. In the world he’ll get disapprobation, lost of confidence, be excommunicate and other, and after, the hell is waiting for him.
So, as a moslem, always do the mandate that’s gave to you if any.
I think that’s all my speech today, I hope you can understand my speech, I apologize for my mistake if any.
Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu
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